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ME-163 Komet

Being built by Graham Wilkes

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Detailing the Komet..


The Komet painting is finished. Now Graham is drawing the panel lines, and adding some "weathering"
Here he is using one of those artists' flexible curves and an ink pen to draw a vertical panel line




Now, here he is applying some "weathering". He has applied some tape to the left of the panel line, and is now applying the "underneath" colour, which in this case is aluminium, with a silver ink pen..(so the "underneath colour is actually applied on top of the original paint..)


Graham has explained, that the planes were built and painted fast, and not expected to last very long, so they didn't bother with an undercoat to key the top coat on.
With the result the paint flaked off, revealing the aluminium underneath..



The finished example


Now, using the tape as a guide, Graham draws the curved panel line


Here are the "artiste's" tools

From top.... a plastic ruler
A bendy thing from Jarold's
A silver ink pen
A 4B pencil for drawing panel lines on light colours
(On darker colours,Graham uses a black ink pen)
Various artist's pastels, brown, dark brown, charcoal..


Some pastel is applied to a piece of card or heavy paper
The straight edge of the paper is butted against the panel line
Graham brushes the pastel left to right with his thumb


Using black or brown or a combination to achieve the desired result
(Looks easy, don't it??)





The finished example..


Drawing a panel line around the fuse with the "bendy thing"


Using the 4B pencil here, as the background is lighter..


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