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2012 Gallery


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Ben with his newly finished 90" span Laser 2000 for it's maiden flight.
Nose-up check..


Here we go...
 Zenoah 62cc petrol motor 


Sure looks nice....



Here's Jeff with his new "Beast".. seems he got it for the Indoor meet,
but was a leedle too fast and kept bumping into walls...
Anyway... KB was seconded to tame the lil devil..
 :o :o 


After a bit of trimming it was soon under control.. seems it has a gyro to help keep it stable..
not exactly sure how it works, but it seemed reasonably steady..
Jeff had a go, and found it a bit of a handfull, eventually having an unscheduled landing "orf field"


John, seen with the new Kit built Acro-wot..
(Yes.. even better and more desirable than the the famous Wot4.. 8-) )
Powered by a JEN .47 engine with pitts "in cowl" muffler



Ian with this Larnier Shrike..
This was built by our President, some years ago..
Powered by a revvy Irvine .40 it flew well..


 Graham's new Leccy Hellcat.. flew nicely..



Phil (right )tries out one of the new tables with his Hughey..



Graham Minty had this luverly Leccy Pitts Special up for some tricks..


Plenty of power, here...


Some gentle aerobatics for the first flight..


Ben with his 1/3rd scale cub.. + a few others....)
Big, innit..? (Free advert, Ben.. :roll: )


Roight!!.. let's get her airborne... hasn't been flown for about 2 years...


Some low flying by Ben..


Then.. a few lucky members were invited to "have a go"


Thanks Ben..


Now... John has this luverly lil Precedent Bi-Fly..
Fitted with a new SC25.. a bit of tweaking required...


After a bit of trimming, it flew quite nice..


A bit of work required on the landing technique... :roll: 


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