Here's Graham's new Gee Bee

Built from an ARTF kit

Graham tweaks the mixture.
Powered by an ASP 1.60 twin; horizontally opposed, ("Boxer") Four Stroke

Carried out by Malcolm

Final check

And... we're off!!

(From Wikepedia)
"The Gee Bee Model R Super Sportster was a special purpose racing aircraft made by Granville Brothers Aircraft of Springfield, Massachusetts.
Gee Bee stands for Granville Brothers"

Flies nice

Lovely sound from the engine.

Some aerobatics


Landing approach

And... safely down

Bob has this new Beaver for a flight.. Foam construction

Looks good.. Leccy, of course..

Grumm's new Me 110, ready for its' first flight

A twin-engine heavy fighter

First Take-off

Flies nicely

Foam construction, ARTF, 4 foot wingspan, Leccy powered

Landing approach

And safely down ☺

Mike and Linda purchased this Gilmore from Grumm, some time ago, needing a bit of work to the front.
Finally ready for its'
first flight by the new owners

Grumm is taking off and landing for this flight

Powered by an OS 55AX

Flies well and fast

Linda has a stir of the sticks, once Grumm had trimmed it..
She found it nice to fly

And.. safely back to Mother Earth...
