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2014 Gallery January/April ![]()
Now... here's David's new kit built Kouger, ready for its' maiden flight.
David has fitted a gyro, and here's Grumm checking it out..
Back to the pits. There's the gyro, with the Orange RX beside it
Oh, Bother! reversing the gyro meant reversing the TX controls as well..
All OK, now, and we're away...
Lift off..
Plenty of power there..
The Kouger is quickly brought in, as the gyro controls were too much
And, safely down
Here's new member, ED. He has been flying for many years, but never got round to gaining his "A", so has been having test flights with John.
Paul starts his new Aerotech SeaFury.
Bought from a club member in unfinished condition, Paul has made a nice job of it.
Carried out by son Jamie
Final checks before the maiden flight
Off we gooo!
A bit touchy, rates need to be reduced
Landing approach
And.. safely down
Now, here's Paul's bro', Martin with his Stringalong, also bought from a club member,and needing refurbishing
Final tweaks of the carb for the "nose-up" test
Final checks for the maiden flight
We have lift off. Powered by a new Irvine .53
Looks good
Designed by Frank Knowles in the 1960's
Flew very nicely, now for the landing....
And, safely down
This one is Chas's Flair Cub, also bought from a club member, and a few changes made to engine mounting, cowl, etc.
When purchased it had been newly covered in red solarfilm, and Chas searched the web for a red cub. He found this rego, a Swiss "Grasshopper" Cub
And we're off..
Flies nicely, a .46 powers it
Now.. here's Eddie's new Seagull Edge 540
Powered by a SC 1.80 4 stroke
Eddie taxis out, assisted by Linda
And we're off!! a bit touchy and quite a lot of hurried trimming required
Now flying reasonably smoothly
Eddie tries a landing, but going too fast and ran out of runway
That's better.. floats in for a perfect landing
Here's John with his new Osmose patternship, purchased locally, from an ad. in the BMFA Classifieds
Soon gets off!!
Flies nice
Farnborough pass coming up
Not bad ..
And, safely down
Well.... Here's Pete with his Flair Puppeteer, loosely based on the Sopwith Pup, it has had several owners in the club, and now, Pete..
Pre Flight Checks...
And... we're off...
Hmmmm.. a bit worrying.. seems a bit tail heavy, and hard to control....
Some frantic trimming, and a lot better, but eventually seemed to stall and a heavy landing in the next field..
Hope Piers does better with his Extra...
All working as they should..
Lift orf...!!
Unfortunately an untimely deadstick, resulted in a crash landing downwind.. just a few dents, and should be back in the sky real soon...
Now.. Here's Tom with his new leccy Cannard Grumm is the test pilot today.. Ace Video Camera Linda, recording for posterity..
Here we go...
Blimey!! it flies!!
Needs quite a bit of left trim....
Stable now.. which way is it going??
Meanwhile, John flies a "normal" plane a Bi-stormer..
The Canard flies on...
Landing approach..
Now, then... wot's this?? A Ben Buckle Majestic Major, 3 channel, 88" wingspan and powered by a J'en .57 2-stroke.
Once at height, it flew best at engine tickover..
Now for landing...I had to give it loads of down to make it lose height
Ownned by new member Bob Arnell.. Landing
A bit tricky with the cross wind..but..
Safely Down.. Martin was flying for these photos.
Hmmmm.. This plane was very shy and din want to be photo'd.. Wonder wot it is???